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Graduate Employability

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Graduate Employability

360 will create on a yearly basis employability reports in Romania

Employability “the ability of graduates to obtain a job”.


5 Aspects to be taken into account:

  • Job type can be interpreted in several ways such as securing any job or obtaining a graduate-level job
  • Timing relates to securing a job within a specific time after graduation
  • Attributes on recruitment, meaning the ability of an individual to demonstrate required attributes at the point of recruitment or the individual’s ability to develop required attributes quickly
  • Further learning, reflecting one view of employability that suggests an undergraduate degree is not enough and that graduates who are ready and willing to develop further more appreciated·Employability skills, meaning that an individual possesses basic, core or key skills that a given employer specifies.


Social factors:

  1. Age is considered the area of the most notable discrimination. Recruiters shall not discriminate against older graduates
  2. Prior work experience is highly valuable by employers whether in form of a full-time job or extracurricular part-time work
  3. Discipline. The mix of subjects offered by a university can influence the employment rate of its graduates.
  4. Type of HEI- some institutions have a good employability rate because of their reputations.




360 will define employability in the context of Romania’s Higher Education, ranging from students “having a job” to them having the wide range of “knowledge, skills and attributes” expected from higher education graduates. Employability must not be difficult to define, it should not have different meanings that lack clarity, consistency, and accuracy. Our Think Tank will deep dive into several existing measures and indicators of employability:

  1. employment rate
  2. job type
  3. timing
  4. further learning
  5. graduate employment rate
  6.  employability skills

& social factors:


  1. gender,
  2. age
  3. ethnocultural origin
  4. prior work experience
  5. subject discipline
  6.  type of higher education institution.

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